It's been on my to-do list for a while: get back to blogging.
There are some days when I just need to write and blow a little steam, but then I always seem to talk myself out of doing it on a blog.
Maybe because there are already more than enough blogs out there: design blogs and DIY blogs and fashion blogs and travel blogs and mommy blogs and Mormon "I’m twenty-something and single" blogs... so why do I need to add my words and pictures and posts to the already over-saturated blogosphere?
Or maybe I’m hesitant because I've read one too many icky, cliche blog posts that have made me want to shake the computer screen and scream, "Stop talking now before you embarrass yourself even further!" Because what if I accidentally became that blogger? Yikes.
Or, maybe I've stayed away from blogging because reading some exceptionally awesome travel or design blogs leave me feeling jealous and envious. Or feeling inadequate and just plain lacking in what I accomplish day to day and thus far in my life. And I don't like that feeling. So perhaps I should just stay away, because my little blog could never measure up.
So at this point you're probably saying, "Well yeah, Karlie, you've made some good points. And maybe you should stay away from blogging and get back to your knitting (or whatever keeps you busy) after all."
And yet... after describing all those reasons why I should probably just stay away... here I am. Finally checking "get back to blogging" off my to-do list.
And why? Because I really want to write again. Oh I really, really, really want to write again! Can that be a reason all its own? Who cares if it’s stinky, or if it maybe garners a laugh or an eye roll. I need to write again! So whether it’s welcome or welcome back- here we go.